Top 5 Posts on Content Marketing for Real Estate

Top 5 Posts on Content Marketing for Real Estate

“Content marketing” is one of the latest buzzwords to enter the real estate marketer’s vernacular. And while producing blog posts, videos, and other media that will engage your potential customers may seem like a fairly straightforward process, being GREAT at content marketing is a whole different story. To help you work towards your goal of becoming a content marketing master, we’ve put together this list of five super-helpful posts on content marketing for real estate.

1) Real Estate’s a Natural for Content Marketing

by Jessica Swesey (via Inman News)

This no-nonsense post on the importance of content marketing for real estate will – at a minimum – get you thinking about your current online marketing strategy. Author Jessica Swesey, who works for 1000watt, pulls in examples from outside the industry (like Red Bull and Whole Foods) to show that all companies can be successful content publishers.

In an industry plagued with consumer skepticism and reputation problems, a sound approach to content can help create authenticity and authority. It’s a grueling path that, when taken, can lead to consumer trust, social sharing, and business.

2) Real Estate Content Marketing Strategy. Does Your Real Estate Business Have One?

by Stephen Garner (via My Title Guy)

A high-level look at the benefits of content marketing for real estate, author Stephen Garner’s post highlights the importance of knowing your audience and getting specific with your content topics. Garner also offers several example topic ideas to help you get the wheels turning and even extols the virtues of using WordPress as your Content Management System (CMS).

“A great real estate content marketing strategy will educate and inform consumers by providing relevant, engaging and valuable content. This content can position you as the expert in your area.”

3) 5 Harsh Realities of Content Marketing for Real Estate

by Ricardo Bueno (via his personal website,

Ricardo Bueno (VP of Real Estate Solutions at Copyblogger) begins his post by defining content marketing and arguing that it is a “long-term solution, not a short-term tactic.” He then goes on to outline five problems plaguing the world of content marketing for real estate. These problems include poor-quality and infrequently updated blogs, as well as the fact that a lot of real estate content comes across as too sales-oriented.

“If you’re looking for over-night results you’re going to be disappointed. Like any sports athlete who wants to improve his/her game, you’ve got to put the hours in too.”

4) Why Real Estate Agents Should Focus on Content Strategy

by Justin Ramb (via BigEye Creative)

Unlike the previous posts on this list, this post focuses on a specific benefit of content marketing for real estate: lead generation. Author Justin Ramb (founder and CEO of the BigEye Creative agency) highlights four ways a content strategy can help real estate professionals gain leads: through expertise, SEO, repeated exposure, and outreach.

“Most real estate business comes from the agent’s ability to get into, and remain in, potential customers’ minds. The more ways the agent can do this, the more potential for home buying and selling opportunities. This, paired with perceived expertise, results not only in more clients, but also in quality clients.”

5) Guide to Creating Killer Content for Real Estate Marketing

by Seth Price (via Real Estate Marketing Academy)

As one of our most popular Academy posts, we felt that this list just wouldn’t be complete without our “Guide to Creating Killer Content.” This lengthy post offers a deep dive into content marketing for real estate and includes best practices for setting content goals, brainstorming topics, producing videos and graphics, and sticking to a schedule.

“But there’s plenty of information you can control and create, and this is what we mean when we say “content”: the stuff you write, shoot, and share that differentiates you and gives prospects something to go on when they’re considering whether or not to hire you.”

Know of another great post on content marketing for real estate? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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